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CA-ICT Subsidie
Junior IT Traineeship
Over ons
system operations on aws
System Operations on AWS (AWS-SYS)
Systems Operations on AWS is designed to help new and existing AWS customers build and operate highly available, scalable, and reliable applications using the AWS Cloud. This course will teach you how to build processes by understanding key elements of application deployment, performance, and operations of AWS cloud resources. By the end of this course, you will be able to:
Run, stop, and terminate instances .
Determine and deploy appropriate Storage services.
Create EC2 -VPC subnets.
Monitor and inspect CloudWatch metrics related to your AWS resources.
Use AWS CloudFormation to automate builds and deployment.
Configure network Access Control Lists and network Security Groups.
Use tagging to group costs
Set up web delivery logging for analysis
Virtueel beschikbaar
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Erkende certificaten
Door heel Nederland
Voor wie
System administrators and others responsible for managing operations on the AWS platform.
Day 1
AWS Components
AWS Global Infrastructure
Compute (Virtualization, AZs, EC2 Instance Capacity Types, Elastic Load Balancing)
Storage (Ephemeral, EBS, S3, Glacier)
Network (RDS, Elasticache)
Hands-on Labs: Run Instances, VPC
Day 2
Static web content hosting (S3, CloudFront)
Log Delivery
Monitoring ( SNS, SES, CloudWatch)
Cloudwatch Console/CLI
Custom Metrics
Auto Scaling
Elastic Beanstalk
Hands-On Labs: S3 and CloudFront, CloudFormation PHP w/Elastic Beanstalk, Alarm in CloudWatch
Day 3
API Pages and Operations
AWS Access Control: IAM
Management (OpsWorks, CloudFormation)
Backup (AWS and On Premises, S3/Glacier)
Logging and Billing
Hands-On Labs: Log Pushing to S3, IAM, Backup/Restore using CloudFormation
Working knowledge of systems administration
Familiarity with cloud computing concepts
Command line experience
We recommend that attendees of this course have attended the AWS Technical Essentials (AWSE) course.
Klassikaal 3 dgn: 18 lesuren, 0 uren zelfstudie
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System Operations on AWS
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System Operations on AWS
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Klassikaal: 3 dagen
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