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Windows 10 (MD-100)

In this course, students will learn how to support and configure Windows 10 desktops in an organizational environment. Students will develop skills that include learning how to install, customize, and update Windows 10 operating systems. Students will learn how to managing storage, files, and devices as well as how to configure network connectivity for Windows 10. Students will also learn how to secure the Windows 10 OS and protect the data on the device. Finally, students will learn how to manage and troubleshoot Windows 10.

After completing this course, learners should be able to:
  • Install and customize Windows 10
  • Configure Updates for Windows.
  • Configure devices and drivers for Windows.
  • Configure storage for Windows.
  • Configure network and remote management settings in Windows.
  • Configure and manage browsers and applications in Windows.
  • Configure account access and authentication.
  • Configure file and folder permissions.
  • Describe methods for securing Windows 10, common threats and methods for mitigating against them.
  • Troubleshoot Windows and application installations.
  • Troubleshoot hardware and driver issues.
  • Troubleshoot file issues and perform recoveries.
laptop met iemand op het schermVirtueel beschikbaar
kalender met vinkjeIedere maand starten
graduation capErkende certificaten
versimpelde landkaartDoor heel Nederland

Voor wie





Deze training is vervangen door:

Microsoft 365 Endpoint Administrator

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