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Over ons
microsoft trainingen
microsoft dynamics 365 supply chain management expert
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, Expert (MB-335)
This course is designed to build your in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management application knowledge.
This course will cover the most important features and functionalities needed by Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management functional consultant including:
The product information and how to configure, create, and manage your product and inventory.
Supply chain management configuration and processing.
The transportation management features, and the warehouse management features.
Asset Management functionalities. Master planning configuration and processing.
Sales and procurement processes.
This course includes lectures and several hands-on exercises. The exercises will be introduced to you in the form of a case study presented to a Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management Functional Consultant, Expert. Each exercise will be based on a business scenario followed by a question or discussion then a step-by-step guidance to perform the system related steps.
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Voor wie
This course is designed for the Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management Functional Consultant Expert.
The Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management Functional Consultant Expert is a key resource that implements and configures advanced features of Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management to meet the requirements of a business.
The functional consultant analyzes business requirements, translates those requirements into fully realized business processes and solutions, and applies industry-recommended practices to implementations.
Create products and product masters in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
Create bill of materials in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
Get started with discrete manufacturing in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
Work with commodity pricing and compliance in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
Configure process manufacturing in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
Get started with Engineering Change Management for Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
Set up versioned products in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
Configure engineering change management for Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
Request and follow up with product changes in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
Get started with product configuration in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
Work with the costing sheet in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
Configure formulas for process manufacturing in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
Get started with production control in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
Use warehouse management for manufacturing in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
Work with manufacturing execution in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
Get started with Asset Management for Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
Schedule work orders in Asset Management for Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
Configure and perform the procure-to-purchase process in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
Configure activity-based subcontracting and production flow costing in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
Configure and use agreements in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
Work with capacity planning and scheduling in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
Configure and use built-in master planning in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
Use Planning Optimization in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
Create and process fixed kanbans in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
Identify and configure batch attributes for process manufacturing in Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management
E-learning: 0 lesuren, 30 uren zelfstudie
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Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, Expert
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Altijd mogelijk
Voor deze E-learning heb je een internetverbinding nodig.
Je hebt 90 dagen toegang tot de e-learning. De labomgeving is maximaal 14 dagen beschikbaar vanaf datum verstrekking toegang. Een labomgeving kan niet gepauzeerd worden.
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, Expert
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E-learning: 90 dagen
Labs: 14 dagen
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