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CA-ICT Subsidie
Junior IT Traineeship
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linux geavanceerd beheer deel 1 (voorbereiding lpic-2 exam 201)
Linux Geavanceerd Beheer deel 1 (voorbereiding LPIC-2 exam 201) (LPI-201)
This course prepares students to take the LPI 201 exam of the LPIC-2 certification. The Linux Professional Institute (LPI) is the go-to certification body for vendor independent Linux certifications.
This course covers more advanced Linux skills such as system management and networking. Students will feel confident taking the LPI LPIC-2 201 exam with in classroom assessments and practice exams
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Voor wie
Professionele computergebruikers die gecertificeerd Linux-systeembeheerder (junior level) willen worden.
De training is geschikt voor volgende Linux distributies:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
SUSE Linux Enterprise 11
Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
Boot process and SYSV INIT
LPI Objectives Covered
Booting Linux on PCs
LILO Options
GRUB Configuration
Kernel Boot Parameters
System Init Styles
Linux Runlevels
SUSE /etc/init.d/boot
Runlevel Implementation
Typical SysV Init Script
The /etc/rc.local File
The /etc/init.d/*.local Files
Managing Daemons
Controlling Service Startup
Shutdown and Reboot
Rescue environments
LPI Objectives Covered
Diagnostic/Recovery Runlevels
Rescue Procedures
Recovery: mount and chroot
Recovery Examples
Recovery: Network Utilities
Linux kernel: components and compile
LPI Objectives Covered
Why Compile?
Getting Kernel Source
Preparing to Compile
Configuring Kernel Compilation Options
Available Kernel Compile Options
Compiling the Kernel
Install Compiled Kernel Modules
Installing the Kernel
Tips and Tricks
Configuring Kernel Components and Modules
Kernel Modules
Handling Module Dependencies
Configuring the Kernel via /proc/
Filesystem administration
LPI Objectives Covered
Filesystem Support
Mounting Filesystems
Filesystem Table (/etc/fstab)
AutoFS Configuration
Partitioning Disks with fdisk
Partitioning Disks with parted
Filesystem Creation
Filesystem Maintenance
Resizing Filesystems
Persistent Block Devices
LPI Objectives Covered
Logical Volume Management
Implementing LVM
Creating Logical Volumes
Manipulating VGs and LVs
Advanced LVM Concepts
SLES Graphical Disk Tool
RAID Concepts
Array Creation with mdadm
Software RAID Monitoring
Software RAID Control and Display
Client networking
LPI Objectives Covered
Linux Network Interfaces
Configuring Network Interfaces
Configuring Routing Tables
IP to MAC Address Mapping with ARP
Network Configuration with ip Command
Starting and Stopping Interfaces
Linux Wireless Extensions and Tools
Wireless Tools Discovery
Tuning Kernel Network Settings
Configuring a DHCP server
netconfig and system-config-network
SUSE YaST Network Configuration Tool
Network Diagnostics
Discovering Reachable Services
tcpdump and wireshark
Information from netstat
System maintenance
LPI Objectives Covered
System Messaging Commands
Controlling System Messaging
Archives with tar
Archives with cpio
The gzip Compression Utility
The bzip2 Compression Utility
Compiling/Installing from Source
Tape Drives
Backup Software
Backup Examples
DNS Concepts
LPI Objectives Covered
Naming Services
DNS - A Better Way
The Domain Name Space
Delegation and Zones
Server Roles
Resolving Names
Resolving IP Addresses
BIND Administration
BIND Configuration Files
rndc Key Configuration
Configuring the Resolver
Testing Resolution
Creating DNS Hierarchies
LPI Objectives Covered
BIND Configuration Files
named.conf Syntax
named.conf Options Block
Creating a Site-Wide Cache
Zones In named.conf
Zone Database File Syntax
SOA - Start of Authority
A and PTR - Address and Pointer Records
NS - Name Server
CNAME and MX - Alias and Mail Host
Abbreviations and Gotchas
Subdomains and Delegation
Delegating Zones
in-addr.arpa. Delegation
Issues with in-addr.arpa.
RFC2317 and in-addr.arpa.
Securing DNS
LPI Objectives Covered
Split Namespaces
Using Views with BIND 9
Address Match Lists and ACLs
Restricting Queries
Restricting Zone Transfers
Running BIND in a chroot jail
Securing DNS With TSIG
Linux Basis Beheer (voorbereiding LPIC-1 exam: 101)
Linux Basis Beheer (voorbereiding LPIC-1 exam: 102)
Open leercentrum: 30 lesuren, 0 uren zelfstudie
LPIC-2 exam: 201
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Linux Geavanceerd Beheer deel 1 (voorbereiding LPIC-2 exam 201)
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Linux Geavanceerd Beheer deel 1 (voorbereiding LPIC-2 exam 201)
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Open leercentrum: 5 dagen
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8.7 uit 4196 evaluaties
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