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AWS Technical Essentials (AWS-SE)

This training introduces AWS products, services, and common solutions with immersive exercises and hands-on activities. It helps learners who do not come from a technical background to gain proficiency in Amazon Web Services and empowers them to make informed decisions about IT solutions based on business requirements. By the end of this course, you will be able to:
  • Identify AWS user groups and online tools and resources available
  • Create an AWS account
  • Identify technical terminology and concepts as they relate to the cloud and AWS platform
  • Describe key AWS Compute and Storage products and services, including EC2, EC2 Security, related application services and CloudFormation templates, VPC, Amazon storage gateway and lifting, storage on S3 and Glacier
  • Describe key AWS Scale and Networking products and services, including ELB, Auto Scale, CloudWatch metrics and alarms, Elastic BeanStalk , Networking with VPC, DirectConnect, Amazon Route 53, and CloudFront
  • Describe the impact and importance of Architecture
  • Identify the related Application services and CloudFormation templates
  • Demonstrate how to launch and manage server instances in the AWS cloud
  • Construct a hosted static website
  • Deploying Infrastructure and Applications
  • Describe the account, billing (tagging), pricing credentials delegation, reporting
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AWS Technical Essentials

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