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Advanced Architecting on AWS (AWS-SAA)

Building on concepts introduced in Architecting on AWS, Advanced Architecting on AWS is intended for individuals who are experienced with designing scalable and elastic applications on the AWS platform. Building on concepts introduced in Architecting on AWS, this course covers how to build complex solutions which incorporate data services, governance, and security on AWS. This course introduces specialized AWS services, including AWS Direct Connect and AWS Storage Gateway to support Hybrid architecture. It also covers designing best practices for building scalable, elastic, secure, and highly available applications on AWS.
This course is designed to teach you how to:
  • Manage multiple AWS accounts for your organization
  • Connect on-premises datacenter to AWS cloud
  • Discuss billing implications of connecting multi-region VPCs
  • Move large data from on-premises datacenter to AWS
  • Design large datastores for AWS cloud
  • Understand different architectural designs for scaling a large website
  • Protect your infrastructure from DDoS attack
  • Secure your data on AWS with encryption
  • Design protection of data-at-rest as well as data-in-flight
  • Enhance the performance of your solutions
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Advanced Architecting on AWS

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